

Lytid specialises in developing, manufacturing and commercializing terahertz technologies for scientific and industrial applications.

Lytid Product Category

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TeraEyes-HV is a high-versatility, real-time THz imaging system, suitable for full-field high resolution applications.

THz QCL Source

THz QCL Source

TeraCascade 200 series is the 2nd generation of THz laser source based on state of the art Quantum Cascade Laser technology. It is a compact, user-friendly and powerful terahertz source.

* Compatible with TeraEyes-HV, upgradable.



TeraPyro is a terahertz sensor with removable prealigned lens based on pyroelectrique technology.

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Applications and Techniques

EastWest SVC distributes a wide range of products, technologies, and services for professionals. Our clients are from the industrial and manufacturing sectors such as life scientists, clinical and diagnostics researchers and process engineers. Our goal is to help you achieve the desired results using the latest technology.