Seika Digital Image
Seika Digital Image provides Engineering Solutions using Laser Technology & High Resolution Broadcast Film Equipments.
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PIV Software Koncerto II

Koncerto Ⅱ is designed to easily add support for new cameras and supports wide range of cameras for PIV, Time Resolved PIV, Micro PIV, LIF, etc.
Koncerto Ⅱ uses a high resolution digital camera that can capture two images at a time interval of less than a few microseconds with frame straddling technology.We are preparing various types of cameras that are compatible with normal PIV, large scale PIV, time series PIV, micro PIV etc.
Standard 2D-PIV

The 2D-PIV system measures the in-plane two-dimensional velocity component irradiated on the laser light sheet. Frame Straddling allows for all speed ranges. Moreover, with the latest PIV analysis algorithm, it is possible to accurately analyze a wide range of speeds from low speed to high speed at the same time. It is compatible with various types of cameras and laser equipments, making it possible to construct any type of PIV system.
Capable of measuring 2 velocity components (u and v) in a plane defined by the laser light sheet. It consists of a double pulse laser, a double shutter camera, BZ-60 light sheet optics, TT1680 timing controller, Koncerto software, and PC. Typical time resolution is 10 Hz.
Stereo 3D-PIV

Capable of measuring all 3 components in a plane defined by the laser light sheet. It consists of the second camera, Scheimpflug camera mount, calibration target in addition to the 2D-PIV system. Typical time resolution is 10 Hz.
Time Resolved PIV

Capable of obtaining very high time resolution up to around 50 KHz. A high speed video camera and a high repetition rate pulse laser are used.
Micro PIV

For microfluidics such as MicroTAS, Lab on a chip, etc. An optical microscope is used. Piezo electric focus scanner is available.
Confocal Scanning PIV

For microfluidics such as MicroTAS, Lab on a chip, etc. An optical microscope is used. Piezo electric focus scanner is available.
Probe PIV

The probe PIV is a 3D-PIV system in which two cameras are installed in the BOX and the laser and the camera are integrated by transmitting the laser with the fiber. It is unnecessary to adjust Shine Flag · Focus adjustment, Laser sheet adjustment, User calibration like ordinary 3D-PIV system.
In addition, since calibration is performed during maintenance, calibration by the user is unnecessary.
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EastWest SVC distributes a wide range of products, technologies, and services for professionals. Our clients are from the industrial and manufacturing sectors such as life scientists, clinical and diagnostics researchers and process engineers. Our goal is to help you achieve the desired results using the latest technology.