InfraTec specializes in thermographic measurement technologies, infrared sensors, infrared cameras & detectors.
InfraTech Product Category
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Active Thermography

Active thermography is an imaging procedure for non-destructive testing. A heat flow is induced by an energetic excitation of the test object, which can be done in a transmissive or a reflective setup. The resulting heat flow is influenced by interior material layers and defects. These inhomogeneities can be captured on the object surface by high-precision thermographic cameras. The additional application of different evaluation algorithms improves the signal-to-noise-ratio, which allows for detection of the smallest defects.
Airborne Thermography

Aerial Thermography
Aerial thermography provides you with a fast and wide area overview.
InfraTec offers various infrared camera systems for fixed mount use in airplanes as well as for integration into precision gimbals. Thereby, the infrared camera can be exactly positioned within a µrad range to track automatically. A handy remote control allows for camera operation directly via the control of the gimbal.
Gimbals, or gyro-stabilized platforms, have been used for many years as very effective systems for airborne thermography in the inspection of high-voltage power lines, pipelines and industrial plants, as well as in the search for energy and material pollution

High-speed Thermography Camera - ImageIR® 8300hp
Spectral range (2.0 … 5.7) µm
Pitch 15 µm
Detector MCT or InSb
Detector format (IR pixels) (640 × 512)
Image format with opto-mechanical MicroScan (IR pixels)* (1,280 × 1,024)
Image aquisition Snapshot
Readout mode ITR / IWR
Aperture ratio f/3.0
Detector cooling Stirling cooler
Temperature measuring range (-40 … 1,500) °C, up to 3,000 °C*
Measurement accuracy ± 1 °C or ± 1%
Temperature resolution @ 30 °C Better than 0.02 K
Frame rate (full / half / quarter / sub frame)
* Up to 355 / 670 / 1,200 / 5,000 Hz
High-performance Thermography Infrared Camera - ImageIR® 9400
Spectral range (2.0 … 5.5) µm or (3.6 … 4.9) µm
Pitch 10 µm Detector InSb
Detector format (IR pixels) (1,280 × 1,024)
Image format with opto-mechanical Micro-Scan (IR pixels) (2,560 × 2,048)
Image acquisition Snapshot
Readout mode ITR / IWR
Aperture ratio f/2.2 or f/3.0
Detector cooling Stirling cooler
Temperature measuring range (-40 … 1,500) °C, up to 2,000 °C*
Measurement accuracy ± 1 °C or ± 1 %
Temperature resolution @ 30 °C Up to 0.03 K / up to 0.02 K in high-speed mode
Frame rate (full / half / quarter / sub frame)*
Up to 180 / 342 / 622 /2,601 Hz;
high-speed mode: up to 622 / 1,053 / 1,615 /3,343 Hz
Full HD Thermography Infrared Camera - ImageIR® 10300
Spectral range (3.6 … 4.9) µm
Pitch 10 µm
Detector InSb Detector format (IR pixels) (1,920 × 1,536)
Image acquisition Snapshot
Readout mode ITR / IWR
Aperture ratio f/2.0 or f/3.0
Detector cooling Stirling cooler
Temperature measuring range (-40 … 500) °C
Measurement accuracy ± 1 °C or ± 1 %
Temperature resolution @ 30 °C Up to 0.035 K / Up to 0.022 K in high-speed mode
Frame rate (full frame mode / 960 × 768) Up to 100 Hz / 300 Hz, (identical FOV)
30X Zoom Thermography Infrared Camera – ImageIR-Z
Cooled detectors with up to (1,280 × 1,024)
IR pixels Spectral range (3.6 … 4.9) μm
30× infrared zoom lens
Detection range of 15 km for persons
Detection range of 18 km for vehicles
VarioCAM® HD

Thermographic Infrared Solution for Use in Industry and Research
Spectral range (7.5 … 14) µm
Detector Uncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array
Detector format (IR pixels) (1,024 × 768), with built-in opto-mechanical high-precision scan unit (2,048 × 1,536)*
(640 × 480), with built-in opto-mechanical high-precision scan unit (1,280 × 960)* Temperature measuring range (-40 … 2,000) °C* Measurement accuracy ± 1 °C or ± 1 %*
Temperature resolution @ 30 °C Up to 0.02 K*
Frame rate Full-frame: 30 Hz (1,024 × 768), sub-frame formats*: 60 Hz (640 × 480) /
120 Hz (384 × 288) / 240 Hz (1,024 × 96)
Full-frame: 60 Hz (640 × 480), sub-frame formats*: 120 Hz (384 × 288) /
240 Hz (640 × 120)
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EastWest SVC distributes a wide range of products, technologies, and services for professionals. Our clients are from the industrial and manufacturing sectors such as life scientists, clinical and diagnostics researchers and process engineers. Our goal is to help you achieve the desired results using the latest technology.